S4S ( Sims 4 Studio) is a complex tool to edit and create Sims 4 resources. It might not be the most intuitive to use for beginners, but it’s the easiest to use for this tutorial. S4PE ( Sims 4 Package Editor) is a simplistic tool to edit Sims 4 resources. Pick one of the manager tools (S4PE or S4S): Each of these types is added in a different way so please read the appropriate tutorial below. Currently supported CAS Parts are: Male/Female Top, Male/Female Bottom, Male/Female Soft and Hard Penis, Male/Female Feet, Male/Female Pubic Hair, Cum, Strapon, Condom, Male Underwear, and Female Underwear.

the Create-A-Family/Genetics function in CAS is also a lot more adaptable in creating child Sims without exaggerated proportions, but that doesn't really work for an actual playthrough (but is fine if you're creating a base family with a child to start play).This tutorial will explain to you the basics of adding support for different kinds of custom CAS parts that work with WickedWhims. as another commenter pointed out, you can manually adjust the children's proportions using cas.fulleditmode to make the changes you'd like. this even happens using pre-made Sims sometimes, so there isn't a real way to get around it.

Since this is a quirk of the genetic system, there's not a lot you can do about it directly, since your personal aesthetic is your own. so if all your men have Adonis bodies (really wide shoulders, square jaws, arm and leg sliders maxed) and all your women have the tiny petite waists with big hips, or if maybe one or both parents are very waifish and thin, or if you gave one parent a big belly (to combine with the fitness slider, perhaps), the children tend to grow up with very odd proportions.

this is much more exaggerated when the parents have bodies that are pushed to extremes. As one explanation, child genetics tend to take a somewhat exaggerated average of their parents' genetics.